Town Manager


The Town Manager's position is governed by the Lenox Town Manager Act (Chapter 155 of the Acts of 1991).  The Town Manager is appointed by a five-member elected Select Board.  Duties include overseeing the day-to-day operations of the various municipal departments and working closely with the Select Board on policy development and long range planning.

The Town Manager serves as the Town’s Chief Administrative and Chief Financial Officer of the Town. Working with each Department Head, overseeing the Town’s budget, and meeting with various boards and commissions occupies a significant amount of the officer’s time.

The Executive Assistant provides critical support to the operations of the Administrative Offices. Major duties include processing all liquor license requests, administering the Town’s insurance policies and handling the considerable work involved in bidding and contracting.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Christopher J. Ketchen Town Manager (413) 637-5500 ext. 7
Deanna Garner Executive Assistant (413) 637-5500 ext.1200